EUN WHAN CHO - List Designers


Republic of Korea

Designer 'Eun Whan Cho' is representative of 'MOOTAA' and at the same time is representative of 'MAEZM'. He has been working on ART WORK and design, and has been showing various experimental designs. His field of activity is wide ranging from architecture to furniture design, and he has also been active as an artist such as a sculpture. He studied spatial design at Kookmin University in Korea and received his master's degree at Domous Academy in Italy. After returning to Korea, he has been invited and exhibited many times in famous museums in Korea and has been invited and exhibited in over 17 countries. In 2009, the Korean government selected him as Korea's representative young designer. Until now, international magazines and media have introduced his designs several times, and his designs have been awarded in many countries, including Germany and Japan. Now he is working on various design projects in Korea and at the same time he is teaching students in college. Access EUN WHAN CHO Newsroom

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